Following Yonder Star

5.5x8.5, black & white PDF, color cover

You are the Magi, powerful astrologers, philosophers, counselors to Kings. A strange portent in the heavens - a new star - drives you to travel Westward to investigate what it portends. Along the way you will face challenges both supernatural and mundane as you traverse moors and mountains, fields and fountains. The first in a possible series of annual Christmas games, Following Yonder Star is suitable for both group and solo play. 

For free, for all - take one

Top Men

5.5x8.5, 16 pages, color PDF

Top Men is a Fudge-driven, rules light game of historical mysteries, high adventure, and fringe scholarship. Set in the 1950s, players take the role of Top Men, a shadowy U.S. government agency dedicated to obtaining and researching ancient artifacts and relics of great power. Battling Soviets, rogue archeologists, third-world dictators, and other threats, the Top Men fight to solve history's mysteries and recover the world's most precious artifacts before the bad guys do. The system was designed for play on the Goonie's World podcast.

Grab your free copy right here


5x5 x 8.5, seven pages, black and white PDF

A rules-light game about religious dissenters in Restoration England. King Charles II is on the throne, and the puritan heyday of Cromwell is over. But some fanatics will not give up! Players create holy warriors on the fringes of extreme belief and guide them through nefarious (and sometimes murderous) plots to discredit and intimidate the government and established church. Most will be caught and executed, but some may sail away to establish a colony of their own. The game uses elements of the Mark of the Odd license, but is not fully compatible with it. 

Only available here! Take one


5.5x8.5, five pages, black and white PDF

HEMITHEOI is a rules light, narrative heavy game of superheroic demigods, set in a vague, mythical Ancient Greece. Hemitheoi with divine gifts and tragic flaws battle monsters and each other with simple but robust rules based on small die pools. For experienced players, it has all you need at five compact pages. 

Pay what you want at DriveThru RPG or just take one

Poetry Freaks

11x8.5, 2 pages, color PDF

In this simple, laid-back game, you create a Poet and write short poems with random themes and words. Everyone takes turns reading their poems and voting for the best one, staying in character all the while. But you can't vote for yourself, so write to entertain! You don't need to know anything about poetry (or even like it) to play, but if you're a poet, you can take your game to the next level. And of course, if you like, you can do it without all the roleplaying (you weirdo). 

Pay what you want at DriveThru RPG, or just take one.

Times That Fry Men's Souls

6x9, 139 pages, black & white trade paperback or PDF

A weird, dense campaign sandbox set during the American Revolution, for use with traditional fantasy rules or as a system-agnostic setting. Crawl across 80 hexes of a demented Colonial New York and New Jersey, with 180+ encounters, 10 supernatural scenarios, and hooks for dozens more. Abundant background reference tables are provided for the ease and inspiration of referees and players.

Paperback print available at Lulu
PDF edition available from DriveThru RPG

Bad Kansas City

6x9, 154 pages, black & white paperback or PDF

A dense urban fantasy hex-crawl through a macabre version of 1930s Kansas City - the Haunt of the Pendergeist! Featuring 130+ encounters with gangsters, sorcerers, heroin dealers, demons, and much more. Rage against the Pendergeist Machine, start a jazz band, rob a bank, find the lost treasure of Jesse James, go toe-to-toe with notorious gangsters, exorcise the ghost of Valentino, or solve numerous mysteries. Includes tables of background material for the ease of Referees and players. For use with traditional fantasy rules or as a system-agnostic setting. 

Paperback print from Lulu
PDF edition available from DriveThru RPG

Mission Excalibur

6x9, 40 pages, black & white paperback or PDF

A commando raid on a Nazi-occupied castle to retrieve Excalibur! In the darkness of an alternate WWII, Nazis have taken England and have unearthed Arthur's legendary blade. The heroes, fighting with the Resistance for reasons of their own, must infiltrate the village of Sourhampton-Upon-Stull and steal back England's greatest treasure. Originally published under the title No Place Reich Home for The Hateful Place RPG, this new version is suitable for any d20-based game or as a system-agnostic setting. 

Paperback print from Lulu
PDF edition available from DriveThru RPG

Apocalypse 1666

6x9, 36 pages, black & white paperback or PDF

High adventure during the Great Fire of London for traditional fantasy rules. Includes 40+ short scenarios set in the heart of a flaming city, optional rules for fire-related hazards, tables for random generation of backgrounds and names, and more. Suitable for d20-based games, or as a system-agnostic setting.

Arizona Goes to Hell

6x9, 42 pages, black & white paperback or PDF

Storm across the black sage in an alternate Arizona gone hellishly wrong. This sandbox adventure for traditional fantasy rules features 26 detailed encounters, new monsters, suggestions for using horses and guns with old-school rules, and multiple generators to flavor your weird west hellscape. Originally published under the title Riders of the Black Sage for The Hateful Place RPG, this new version is d20-based and features two expanded "microdungeons." Suitable for any d20-based game, or as a system-agnostic setting.  

Paperback print from Lulu
PDF edition available from DriveThru RPG

Mad Am I?

6x9, 76 pages, black & white trade paperback or PDF

Explore (or escape) an uncharted island where the descendants of a long-defunct insane asylum  have created a terrible new world. Includes a classic detailed wilderness and dungeon for old-school fantasy rules, dozens of bizarre NPCs, 101 Delusions, optional (in)sanity rules, and more. Can you survive the madness? Suitable for d20-based games or as a system-agnostic setting. 

Paperback print available at Lulu
PDF edition available from DriveThru RPG

Gentlemen Vs. Demons

6x9, 66 pages, full color trade paperback or PDF

This is a fast-paced, simple horror game inspired by old school percentiles systems. Taking direction from Hammer films, EC horror comics, and weird pulp fiction, it plays like an amped-up, dumbed-down Call of Cthulhu. Compact at 66 pages, it is best suited for one shots and short campaigns. This game is compatible with Song of the Sixgun and is broadly adaptable for use with any game that uses percentiles. 

Paperback print available from Lulu
PDF available at DriveThru RPG

Song of the Sixgun

6x9, 36 pages, full color trade paperback or PDF

A quick and easy system to replicate Eurowestern action in a tabletop RPG, inspired by old-school percentiles games. Perfect for one-shots and shorter campaigns, this fast-playing, simple game emphasizes theater-of-the-mind antiheroics and deadly combat. It packs a punch at 32 pages, containing all you need to play plus some useful tables to help evoke spaghetti western atmosphere. 

Paperback print available from Lulu
PDF edition available from DriveThruRPG

You Are Melissa

11.8.5, 2 pages, color PDF

In this tabletop roleplaying game, you are Melissa, a heavily tattooed woman in vintage glasses who likes rock’n’roll, cats, and cowboy shirts. You don’t get out as often as you’d like, so tonight you’re hitting the town. Maybe it will be your lucky night. But when you walk into the bar, something random happens and you have to deal with it. Players take turns being Melissa while the other players collectively "GM" the situation. Simple rules using standard playing cards guide you through 100 potential encounters, ranging from tragedy to comedy, mundane to supernatural, or just embarrassing and inconvenient. 


11x8.5, 3 pages, color PDF

BEAT is a three-page, rules-lite, GM-less tabletop roleplaying game where players create British Invasion bands and narrate their path to superstardom (or musical oblivion). Creating scenes to improve their bands, players take risks and gain stats to achieve greater and greater milestones, with the ultimate goal being to invade American airwaves. Fluctuating target numbers for success ensure that the fickle nature of the industry can reward incompetence or frustrate talent in equal measure.  


5.5x8.5, 18 pages, color PDF

SPY is an 18-page, low-prep, rules-lite game of cinematic Cold War espionage. Part traditional RPG, part narrative story game, it's a common-sense guide to creating thrilling spy tales that are high on cinematic action and low on fiddly arithmetic. Originally a two-page PWYW game, this version has clarified rules and expanded tables.  

PDF available from on DriveThruRPG


11x8.5, 2 pages, color PDF

In Town, your group creates a fictional community and roleplays adventures and dramas set in it. Minimalist character design and rules rely heavily on creative thinkers and table consensus. Designed for collaborative world-builders and storytellers, it provides a simple framework of rules so you can get to the fun part - your town.  

Pay-what-you-want PDF available on DriveThruRPG

No Place Reich Home (tHp)

A5, 42 pages, black & white paperback or PDF

A commando raid on a Nazi-occupied castle to retrieve Excalibur! In the Darkness of The Hateful Place, Nazis occupy England and have found the legendary blade. The players, fighting for the Resistance for reasons of their own, must infiltrate the village and castle of Sourhampton-Upon-Stull and steal back England's greatest treasure. For use with The Hateful Place roleplaying game, it is broadly adaptable for any "weird war" setting. The PDF edition features generic stats suitable for OSR games.  

Paperback print for The Hateful Place from Lulu

Riders of the Black Sage (tHp)

A5, 32 pages, black-and-white paperback or PDF 

Storm across the black sage in an alternate Arizona gone hellishly wrong. This sandbox adventure for The Hateful Place RPG features 26 detailed encounters, new monsters, suggestions for using horses and guns with tHp, and multiple generators to flavor your weird west hellscape. For use with The Hateful Place roleplaying game, it is broadly adaptable with "weird west" types of games. The PDF version also features generic stats for OSR gaming.